外贸跟进邮件英文怎么写 (内附10个邮件模板) 您所在的位置:网站首页 目前进展 英文怎么写单词 外贸跟进邮件英文怎么写 (内附10个邮件模板)

外贸跟进邮件英文怎么写 (内附10个邮件模板)

2024-07-18 02:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

作为外贸业务员,您会一直为您的客户着想,如何才能让他们回复你的开发信。 为了吸引他们的注意力并在销售竞争中保持领先,您需要定期提醒他们您并同时做好。 这需要您对跟进邮件英文非常熟练。在本文中,您将找到有关如何编写有效的外贸跟进邮件的建议以及适用于任何销售目的的外贸开发信模板。


有效的跟进邮件:定义和价值 如何撰写跟进邮件 跟进邮件英文模板 给客户/入站线索的跟进邮件 与客户会面后的跟进邮件 语音邮件后的跟进邮件 客户无回复后的跟进邮件 逾期的跟进邮件 会议/贸易展后的跟进邮件 预约确认跟进邮件 业务合作伙伴跟进邮件 谷歌SEO外链建设跟进邮件 有效的跟进邮件:定义和价值

这是一个简单的事实:通过英文邮件进行交流在私人和商业领域都具有许多优势。 因此,每家公司迟早都会处理邮件营销和跟进邮件,这并不奇怪。 如果写得好,它们可以对吸引客户的注意力、找到工作或确认与潜在客户做出的决定做出重大贡献。

邮件营销背景下的跟进意味着在第一次联系后向潜在客户发送一条或多个邮件。 这些通常是基于固定时间间隔和与您的客户相关或由您的客户完成的预定义操作、事件或行为触发的自动邮件。

在 B2B 或 B2C 邮件通讯中,跟进也是跟随先前未答复消息的操作。 如果您的潜在客户没有回复,可以在您的邮件客户端或其他邮件软件中设置相应的提醒。

如何撰写跟进邮件 提示 1. 永远不要太快发送业务跟进邮件

在周末之前发送邮件并在周一跟进,期待一些结果,这有点荒谬。 即使收件人感兴趣,他们也无法那么快地处理邮件。 把自己放在潜在客户的角度,想象一两天后是否可以进行跟进。

这并不意味着您应该等待整整一个月才能发送跟进邮件英文。 每个市场都有自己的规则。 尽管如此,了解您的细分市场中使用的暂停持续时间很重要。 例如,33.3% 的营销人员更喜欢每周发送邮件,而 26.67% 的营销人员建议每月发送多次电子邮件。

尝试将邮件发送频率设置为至少 4-5 天。 给读者时间来处理第一封邮件,并在向他们发送另一封邮件之前确定是否值得采取行动。 这需要时间和耐心,但请确保没有企业每天或两天跟进会让您获得所需的反应。

技巧 2. 选择合适的时间发送开发信跟进邮件

您发送跟进邮件的时间很重要。 由于时机不好,您的客户可能只是错过了您的邮件并使其未读。 考虑他们的时区,避免在周末给他们发邮件——现在越来越少的人把空闲时间花在邮件上。

发送邮件的最佳日子是星期二,显示最高的点击率和打开率。 至于具体的时间,我们建议您在上午 10 点到 11 点左右的收件人时间发送消息,这是人们最有效率的时间。 此外,您可以进行 A/B 测试,以找出适合您的时间。


提示 3. 以关于上次谈话的简短提醒开始跟进邮件

不要直接从营销开始。 您的联系人每天肯定会收到成堆类似的后续邮件,因此他们可能无法立即从人群中认出您,并且可能无法阅读您的邮件。

提醒他们第一行中的最后一个连接,就在您问候之后。 但不要把它作为总结。 人类的平均注意力持续时间为 8 秒,因此请利用这段时间的大部分时间让读者回忆您的上一封邮件。 要获得提醒,他们将打开邮箱并阅读您的最后一封邮件。


提示 4. 不要绕圈子

不管你给客户发邮件的原因是什么,尽量避免在你的后续跟进邮件中使用“Just checking back”这样的英文短语。 一方面,它们表明您没有在销售或推动读者做任何事情。 但缺点是您降低了邮件的价值和联系的原因。


你想得到一些客户信息 您需要安排客户电话或会议 你必须赶上进度 你想感谢客户的东西

无论你的目标是什么,在你的简短介绍之后直接进入正题。 不要迷失在漂亮的谈话中。 请记住,客户可能会赶时间——所以强调为什么你应该得到他们的关注。

提示 5. 邮件内容要具体并在跟进邮件中添加独特的 CTA

为了提高您的邮件转化率,请在电子邮件末尾写一个独特的号召性用语 (CTA)。 诸如“Hope to hear from you soon”之类的常用短语被认为是软弱的,尤其是在商业领域。

或者,尝试一些精确定位的 CTA,例如:“Let us know how you liked the webinar/meeting/video”、“Start your free trial”或“Yes! I want a free upgrade” 这样的 CTA 为您的潜在客户提供了一定要做的事情。

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在你的文案中使用能营造紧迫感的英文单词。 表达您的联系人想要的东西的短语会激发他们的兴趣并提高 CTA 成功的机会。

技巧 6. 保持邮件简短

由 50-125 个字组成的较短的邮件会导致更快的响应时间并显示更高的响应率,从而提高整体生产力。 我们的建议是将您的电子邮件保持在 200 字以内。

此外,要考虑到您的客户,并使用项目符号列表、数字和适当的间距来直观地分解您的电子邮件正文。 这样,他们将更容易消化您的信息并采取行动。

技巧 7. 细分你的客户群

尽管您的电子邮件是营销跟进,但它无疑必须带来一些价值。 您不能在整封邮件中简单地要求某些内容。 确保您也在以某种方式帮助联系人,尤其是在 B2B外贸领域。

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技巧 8. 使用社会证明

在客户做出决定时,他们希望在自己承诺之前看到或阅读其他人使用和享受产品或服务的信息。 这就是为什么您应该充分利用社会证明的原因。

例如,用数字证明您获得的权威,无论是您拥有的客户数量、销售数量、回头客的百分比等等。 令人印象深刻的社会认同会增加您的可信度并吸引人们的归属感。

跟进邮件英文模板 给客户/入站线索的跟进邮件英文

即使你的外贸网站来了访客,您也必须培养这些潜在客户。 当有人将他们的个人信息和电子邮件地址提交给您时,无论是为了换取产品资料、产品演示还是其他信息,这都是信任的象征。 不要滥用这种客户的信任,相反,请用它来将您的潜在客户转化为客户。

跟进邮件标题 Your demo request of [Company service] [Subject/service] – What can we do for you? Following up regarding the [Subject of request] [Subject of request] – Important note before you get started 跟进邮件英文模板1

Hi [First Name],

I noticed that you checked out some of our content, namely the piece [Title of content]. I hope you found it useful!

Most likely, you’re looking for a way to [Pain point], right? If so, I would love to share a set of best practices we’ve developed based on our clients’ experiences that can [Explain how your solution can benefit or help the lead]. 

[First Name], could you spare me [Amount of time] so that we could discuss it?


[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]


Hi [First Name],

I noticed you signed up for the free trial. That is why I decided to send you some resources that can help you get started with [Company name]:

[Resource 1] [Resource 2] [Resource 3]

Please don’t hesitate to contact me in case you have any questions. I’d be happy to give the necessary assistance.


[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]



LinkedIn Sales Prospecting: Techniques, Use Cases, New Method Tested




通过 Snov.io 领英客户开发工具,找到高质量的潜在客户

免费试用 Get emails from LinkedIn profiles 与客户会面后的跟进邮件

如果您与客户开会或通话,跟进你们一起采取的下一步行动总是很有用的。 结果,两个参与者都会记住他们在哪个页面上,这有助于避免以后发送一堆无用的电子邮件。

跟进邮件标题 Quick re-cap for you Outline of [Meeting name] Meeting outline Re-cap of [Date] [Call/meeting/discussion] 跟进邮件英文模板1

Hey [First Name], 

It was a wonderful meeting today. Just a quick summary of what’s happening next:

[Date 1]: [Action 1]. [Date 2]: [Action 2]. [Date 3]: [Action 3].

Please inform me if you need additional info. In all cases, I’ll see you and the whole team at the final meeting on [Date]!


[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]



Hey [First Name], 

It was a wonderful meeting today. Here are the materials and notes that I promised to share:

[Asset 1]. [Asset 2]. [Asset 3].

There are still a few things that I will need from you before we start:

[Asset 1]. [Asset 2]. [Asset 3].

Thank you in advance,

[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]


在您为外贸客户留下语音邮件后,您经常会问自己:“我应该等多久才能向他们发送后续邮件?”  如果客户看到您的语音邮件,并在几分钟后收到一封邮件,那可能看起来很糟糕。

给他们一些时间来回应。 有些客户不会立即回复邮件或语音邮件。 尝试在早上给他们打电话,如果他们没有回复,则在下午晚些时候给他们发邮件。 节省您的潜在客户的时间。

跟进邮件标题 Just tried your line/next steps Trying to connect with you Sorry I missed you Are you available to chat today? 跟进邮件英文模板1

Hey [First Name],

I left you a voicemail for you earlier today but decided to contact you by email if this is more convenient for you.

I’m reaching out because [Explain your purpose].

[Make a pitch with high value to the recipient and include stats].

[First Name], I’d love to discuss your specific needs and give suggestions about how you can [Achieve the desired result].

Please feel free to reply to this email, or, if convenient, give me a call back at [Phone number]. 



[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]


Hey [First Name],

I left you a voicemail for you earlier today but decided to drop a line by email. I was calling because [Explain your purpose].

In my voice message, I said I would call you again on [Date and time], but you can always reach me before at [Phone number] or reply to this email.


[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]


如果您的邮件没有得到客户回复,请尝试重新赢得收件人的注意并激励他们回复,但不要太咄咄逼人。 直接切入正题,征求有关您下一步行动的建议。

此外,不要只满足于一封跟进邮件。 跟踪你的后续行动,但不要忘记坚持而不增加价值是没有用的。

跟进邮件标题 Let me know our next steps Next action to take? A quick follow-up on [Subject] Hey [First Name], what’s my next step? 跟进邮件英文模板1

Hey [First Name], 

I’m not sure what our next action is. Please let me know about the direction of our next steps.

Thanks for your answer.

[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]

如果他们不再回复,您可能会开始感到沮丧。 但不要放弃 – 这是另一个可以唤醒他们的邮件模板。


Hi [First Name], 

This is [Your name]. I am sorry we haven’t been able to get in touch. When we talked last time, you were very concerned about [Objective discussed before]. I understand how busy things can get with work and family these days.

I just want to say that I don’t mind planning a new call before or after business hours if that would make it more convenient to connect. Let me know what works for you. 


[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]

如果这没有帮助,请尝试在社交媒体上找到他们、打电话或在 1-2 周内再写一封电子邮件。 有时人们不通过电子邮件回复是因为您的电子邮件错误地进入了垃圾邮件箱,因此他们可能更有可能在 LinkedIn 上回复。


如果您客户的发票拖欠了好几天,请向他们发送一封电子邮件,虽然严格一些,但听起来仍然很有帮助和专业。 使用以下经过测试的电子邮件模板使这种不便的情况更容易。 保持你的语气礼貌但有力。

跟进邮件标题 [Company Name]: Invoice #XXX for [Product/service] Are you there, [First Name]? Dropping a line [Company Name]: Invoice #XXX payment reminder [Company Name]: Invoice #XXX is PAST DUE 跟进邮件英文模板

Hi [First Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am following up on an invoice I sent you by email on [Date]. I didn’t receive the payment from you, so I decided to ensure the email wasn’t lost in your spam box. Please make sure the accounting department received it. I will resend it with pleasure if required. In all cases, I look forward to obtaining the payment during the next week.

I am immensely thankful for your help! Sincerely,

[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]


使用 Snov.io AI邮件撰写工具

立刻试用 Generate engaging email copies with AI 会议/贸易展后的跟进邮件

在参加会议、社交活动或贸易展后,您的潜在客户可能会收到大量后续跟进邮件,也会被他们自己的后续工作淹没。 这就是为什么最好在发送第一封后续电子邮件之前等待 2 或 3 天。

跟进邮件标题 Hi [First Name], it was nice meeting you It was nice to meet you at [Trade show name]! Let’s catch up on [Pain point]! Resources to help with [Pain point] 跟进邮件英文模板

Hi [Name],

It was nice talking to you at [Conference/trade show/networking event]. I hope you learned more about the solutions to [Pain points].

I’m sure [Recipient’s objective] is one of your company’s top priorities. That is why I decided to contact you and send you [Resources] that might be helpful to you, so please find them attached below. If you need any additional details, let me know, and I’d be happy to schedule a quick phone call so we can chat more about your needs.

I’m available [Date/time options] – which would work better for you?


[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]


预约确认电子邮件将有助于提醒您的客户有关预约的信息,并再次告知预约的时间和地点。 此外,它还向您的潜在客户表明,他们可以期待您的专业精神和优质的客户服务。

跟进邮件标题 Your appointment on [Date] Confirmation of appointment Your appointment has been scheduled! Your appointment at [Company name] is confirmed 跟进邮件英文模板

Hi [Name],

I am writing to confirm our meeting at [Location and time], where I’ll be sharing information about [product/service] that can help you with your [Goals, pain points, or needs].

Please feel free to contact me via email or call if you have any questions. I would be ready to help you.

Looking forward to meeting with you.

Best regards,

[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]


知道如何撰写有效的业务合作伙伴电子邮件是任何营销人员最重要的技能之一。 此类电子邮件有助于与新的但有影响力的人建立合作伙伴关系,并更快地发展您的业务或品牌。

跟进邮件标题 Waiting on your decision re: collaboration Following up re: our potential partnership Partnership offer How have we not partnered up yet? 跟进邮件英文模板

Hi [First Name],

A quick follow-up regarding our potential partnership. It would be an honor to have you on board.

We’d love to schedule a call with you to discuss all the details, numbers, and concerns. Are you free on Tuesday?


[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]



跟进邮件标题 We want to feature [Site name] on our monthly newsletter Writing for [Site name] Question about [Site name] Found a broken link on [Site name] 跟进邮件英文模板

Hi [First Name],

We’d love to be featured in [Article/post name with a link to it]. Our [Product/service] might be useful for your audience.

We can discuss the conditions of this collaboration via email or phone – whichever works best for you.

Let me know what you think.

[Your name], [Your position] at [Company name]


用 Snov.io 建立起属于你的忠实客户群体

现在注册,免费试用 Address customer pain points effectively! 总结

为了充分利用您的潜在外贸客户数据库,制定有效的外贸开发信跟进策略来培养他们的转化率至关重要。 如您所见,突出优势的简短而准确的英文跟进邮件可提供最佳结果。

应用这些跟进邮件编写指南,调整和使用 Snov.io 强大的邮件营销平台,您会对您的外贸客户转化感到满意。









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